Covid-19- Message for Parent Leaders

Greetings from NPLI…
We hope this message finds you and your family and colleagues well!  NPLI understands that this is a challenging time for our families, communities, nation and world.  We are sending you love and light, and wishes for moments of peace and calm in this time.  
To all, thank you for all that you’re doing.  In the midst of the anxiety and warranted concern regarding COVID-19, NPLI wants to support you and encourage you to remember who you are as leaders for and with children.  

  • You are Parent and Staff leaders who are change agents who have the knowledge and power to embrace the opportunity to do what is wise for your family and community during this global health crisis.
  • We recommend you follow and practice the local, state, or national health and safety guidelines administered from reliable sources. 
  • We encourage you to use resources and unique knowledge of your children to appropriately inform them about what is happening. Create an atmosphere of wellness in your home and have fun in making up or selecting hand washing songs, tissue and sanitizer stations.  
  • You are Parent and Staff leaders who are anti-racist change agents.  Be aware that as the coronavirus spreads, so does Xenophobia and anti-Asian bias and racism, including by elected political leaders.  You and your children may be exposed to racist posts on social media or racist comments about the coronavirus. You can disrupt this racism, and have open family conversations about what you all are seeing and hearing.
  • Remember you can still be engaged in civic change during this time -completing your Census, either the hard copy you received in the mail or via phone or on-line, as well as following and advocating for state and national policies that concern you and your family. 

Remember the Power of Partnership & Networks

  • Engage your children as partners in the planning and implementing of the new family life, school, and work schedule that needs to happen for awhile.  Where possible take advantage of the resources offered by your children’s school to support their well being and learning. If you have wi-fi access tap into the interactive learning resources, virtual field trips to museums, aquariums, plays and music concerts.  Be intentional in creating family fun, movement, and relaxation moments – i.e. family game night, dancing, yoga, and nap time. And, remember that what’s most important is getting through this time in a way that is healthy and loving and works for your family.  
  • It’s always important for you to practice self care, remember that now as well.  Take a moment alone, take a moment to breathe, take a moment to be outside and take a walk.  
  • Stay connected with others – allowing for call or video chat a friend or family member time as well as staying connected via local and national social media platforms.      
  • Remember an attitude of gratitude is a health and wellness and leadership practice. Encourage your family to reflect & write down who or what you are grateful for daily or a few times throughout the week.  Know that we at NPLI are grateful for each of you and your families. 

We appreciate and support you taking care of yourselves, your loved ones, as well as your leadership and commitment to generate positive outcomes for your community even in the face of challenge. Know that we will check in via social media throughout this shared experience and create opportunities for virtual gatherings of our NPLI family.  Remember we are connected via hearts and minds beyond physical limitations or boundaries.    

In Gratitude,Donna, Carolyn, Patti, Zulema, Jennifer & Melvette of NPLI

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