Jennifer Ghidiu joined the National team in June 2019, after having trained with the Greater Rochester PLTI of New York. Her work with NPLI centers on connecting parent leaders with organizations where parent voice matters most. Jennifer credits her PLTI experience as “one that changed my life,” helping her to build her own parent leadership, to find a community of dedicated families, and prompting her to join the national team, which she refers to as “a blessing of unicorns”– a dynamic, driven, wonderful group of leaders.

Before joining the NPLI team, Jennifer’s most recent work has been in progressive education, helping to reimagine schools and districts in ways that will help them to serve students and families more equitably and in more human-centered ways. Her work has helped to launch student-centered school environments across ten states, and her research coordination, writing and systems development work have contributed to a national movement to shift education toward to the needs, interests and energies of young people and their families. Her areas of expertise include adult and online learning, restorative practices, and facilitation.

Although Jennifer currently resides in Rochester, NY, she’s lived 

in Seattle and Philadelphia, has traveled to almost every state in the US, and spent time abroad in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Jennifer’s passions include writing, building, making and music. She lives with: her partner Eric; her two magical sons; one cat; one dog; a great deal of hope.
